Axel Forrester holds a MSc in Creative Writing from the University of Edinburgh and an MFA in Fine Arts from California State University Long Beach. An excerpt from her novel Three Steps of the Sun was published in Embark Literary Magazine (2023) and the novel was longlisted for the Bath Novel Award (2023). Her novel Swan Diaries, was longlisted in the Mslexia Novel Competition (2024), and was a finalist in the James Jones First Novel Fellowship Contest (2023) and longlisted for the Exeter Novel Prize (2020). A short story by Axel Forrester, Write What You Know, was an Honourable Mention in the Mainstream/Literary Short Story category of the 92nd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition (2023). Her short story Life Lessons was published in The Saturday Evening Post’s Best American Fiction of 2015 with an Honourable Mention. Forrester’s short film, The Green Box, was awarded by the American Film Institute and appears in their collection. She is both an American and British citizen, living near Hastings, in the UK. and Instagram@acornishodyssey to see photography and book covers.

Forrester’s Odyssey series: A Cornish Odyssey, A Chinese Odyssey and A Paris Odyssey are available on Amazon and can be ordered at any bookstore.