Axel Forrester


I write literary biography to explore and understand extraordinary individuals who have helped create a space for us in this world.


Axel Forrester is a writer and artist, a dual American and British citizen living in the south coast of England. She holds a MSc in Creative Writing with Merit from the University of Edinburgh, an MFA in Fine Arts from California State University Long Beach and was awarded a fellowship in folklore and mythology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Her writing has been shortlisted and longlisted for distinctive international literary awards such as the Plaza Literary Chapters Prize, the First Novel Prize by the Literary Studio in London, the Exeter Novel Prize and the Bath Novel Award. Her work has been performed online at the Wildsound International Writing Festival (2024) and been published by the Write Launch Literary Magazine (2024), the Embark Literary Magazine (2023) and the Saturday Evening Post’s Best American Fiction of 2015, with an Honourable Mention. As an artist and filmmaker her work was awarded by the American Film Institute and appears in their collection as well as the Long Beach Museum of Art.

Axel Forrester is represented by Natalie Jerome, Founder of Originate Literary Agency, London and Wales.